A Novel, Handheld Infuser for Rapid Delivery of Blood or Fluids in OB-Related Hemorrhage

| Feb 27, 2023

Obstetric (OB) related hemorrhage is the most common and dangerous complication of pregnancy. It is the leading cause (94%) of maternal deaths worldwide. Approximately 20 in 100,000 women die from maternal hemorrhage yearly in North America, and the mortality rate is even higher in developing countries. Two recent studies of pregnancy-related deaths in the United States demonstrated that between 73% and 93% of deaths secondary to postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) were preventable. Delays in recognition and treatment can result in significant maternal morbidity and mortality.

Inpatient OB units with an evidence-based massive transfusion protocol and access to a transfusion pack that includes O-negative blood and an easy-to-use rapid infuser have improved OB-related hemorrhage outcomes.3 Early and adequate resuscitation can save lives and minimize morbidity, mortality, and the need for additional interventions. 4